National Policies on Conservancies

KWCA has been at the forefront of advocating for National laws and policies, that support for the engagement of communities and land owners who live with or close to wildlife areas in efforts to sustainably conserve biodiversity and support community livelihoods.

Constitution of  Kenya 2010 
  • Preamble: Respectful of the environment, which is our heritage, and determined to sustain it for the benefit of future generations.
  • Article 42: Every person has the right to a clean and healthy environment, which includes the right to have the environment protected for the benefit of present and future generations.
  • Article 60 (1): Land shall be managed in a manner that is equitable, efficient, productive and sustainable, including protection of ecologically sensitive areas.
  • Article 69 (1&2): The State shall ensure sustainable exploitation, utilisation, management and conservation of the environment and natural resources, and ensure the equitable sharing of the accruing benefits. Every person has a duty to cooperate with state organs and other persons to protect and conserve the environment and ensure ecologically sustainable development and use of natural resources.
Wildlife Policy 2017 Draft 
  • Wildlife resources will be managed as a key component of complex ecological systems, with the maintenance of ecosystem functions and ecological processes.
  • Wildlife conservation and management shall be encouraged and recognised as a form of land use on public, community and private land.
  • Where benefit accrues from wildlife conservation and management, the people of Kenya will share these equitably.
Wildlife Conservation and management Act 2013
  • Applies to all wildlife resources on public, community and private land, and Kenya territorial waters, and recognises conservation of wildlife on community and as a land use.
  • Recognises wildlife conservancies and sanctuaries, wildlife scouts, community wildlife associations.
  • Promotes ecosystem based planning and effective participation of the public in wildlife management.
  • Encourages equitable sharing of benefits from wildlife to offset costs and devolution of wildlife conservation to those owners and managers of land where wildlife occurs.
Community Land Act, No. 27 of 2016
  • Recognises and secures community land rights in former Group Ranches and Trust Lands.
  • Formalises stronger democratic decision making on community land.
  • Promotes wildlife conservation and natural resource management on community land.