Southern Rangelands Association of Land Owners
Bio: SORALO is a community based trust representing the interest of land owners in 15 group ranches located between the Amboseli and the Maasai Mara bringing land owners together for effective management of resources, livelihood improvements and addressing threats and challenges facing the south Rift Valley region.
Website: http://soralo.org/

Amboseli Ecosystem Trust (AET)
Bio: AET brings together the communities and organizations to develop land use practices that improve the livelihoods and well-being of people and wildlife and in turn keep Amboseli Ecosystem rangelands open, diverse and healthy for the benefit of people and wildlife.
Website: http://www.amboseliecosystemtrust.org

Athi Kapiti Wildlife Conservancies Association
Bio: thi Kapiti Wildlife Conservancies Association is still in its nascent stages registered in March 2014. This expansive dispersal area around the Nairobi National Park includes the 6 ranches to the south, that amount to a block some 3.5 times larger than the park.

Taita Taveta Wildlife Conservancies Association
Bio: Taita Taveta Wildlife Conservancies Association work with 26 conservancies covering 361,127 Ha. Established in 2013, TTWCA works with ranches in Taita Taveta county. These ranches were organized as hunting blocks before independence and later converted to cattle ranches.

North Eastern Conservancies Association
Bio: To work with Somali pastoralists and landowners to manage and conserve these unique landscapes. their wildlife and habitat for the benefit of the local communities and Kenya, leading to a win-win situation for wildlife conservation and community livelihood through employment creation and tourism.
Website: https://neca.or.ke/

Western Wildlife Conservancies Association
Bio: The Western Wildlife Conservancies Association is the youngest regional association formed under the guidance of KWCA. It was registered in April 2014 and its current in its nascent stage of development. it is located within the larger Western Kenya, Nyanza and North Rift. It currently hosts 16 conservancies covering 31,164 Ha at various stages of development.