Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) has partnered with WWF-Kenya to implement a project on “Protection of key ecosystems, increased resilience and adaptation for their sustainable use by local communities”. The project beneficiaries are select community conservancies within the Kenya’s southern rangelands of Tsavo, Amboseli and Maasai Mara landscapes.
KWCA, being the national umbrella representative body and the voice of community and private conservancies in Kenya, works with the communities and landowners to sustainably conserve and manage wildlife and their habitats outside the state protected areas and to improve the well-being of the communities. KWCA aims to support and catalyse the conservancy movement by convening, connecting, informing, and representing conservancies and other key stakeholders in a shared effort to make wildlife conservancies thrive in Kenya.
WWF-Kenya is an affiliate of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), operating in Kenya since 1962 and registered as an independent local non-profit, non-governmental organisation since September 2016. It aims to integrate conservation and sustainable growth strategies. WWF-Kenya is working towards a healthy natural environment by supporting people, improved governance and policy approaches in Kenya. Its programme includes projects and strategies on forestry, freshwater and marine ecosystems, agriculture, species and protected areas.
Background of the Consultancy
Communities in Kenya are severely affected by impacts of climate change, characterised by prolonged drought, floods, unreliable rainfall seasons, and extreme temperatures. These have negative implications on diverse land production means for communities, pushing them more to poverty margins and adoption of unsustainable land exploitation practices. Resource conflicts and human wildlife conflicts are among key manifestation of increasing competition for available water and pasture among communities and between people and wildlife.
The project being implemented by KWCA and WWF-Kenya on “Protection of key ecosystems, increased resilience and adaptation for their sustainable use by local communities” targets to enhance communities’ capacity to protect the Tsavo and Amboseli landscapes and their biodiversity and increase climate change resilience of local communities through adaptation and mitigation practices that improve livelihoods of the communities.
WWF-Kenya already undertook a rapid appraisal assessment on climate friendly economic practices for Amboseli and Tsavo landscapes, which resulted in development of climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies and action plans for the two landscapes. These are envisaged to strengthen the capacities of community conservation and management areas within the two landscapes to effectively improve their climate resilience and adaptation and to effectively protect their biodiversity and ecosystems.
KWCA intends to share the final reports on the Feasibility Study on climate friendly economic activities, as well as the final reports on Climate Change Strategies and Action Plans for Tsavo and Amboseli, with the conservancy leadership and members of the conservancies to enable them adopt and prepare them to implement them.
Consequently, the overall objective of the consultancy is to facilitate the adoption of the climate change strategies and action plans for Tsavo and Amboseli sub-landscapes as well as training of community members in the two sub-landscapes on climate change by undertaking the following specific activities;
- Sensitive conservancy leaders in Tsavo and Amboseli on the contents of the final climate friendly economic activities feasibility study reports, and the climate change strategies and action plans focusing on Tsavo and Amboseli sub-landscapes, with aim of facilitating the adoption of the reports; and
- Educate and create awareness on the climate friendly economic activities feasibility study reports, and the climate change strategies and action plans focusing on Tsavo and Amboseli sub-landscapes, targeting community members in Tsavo and Amboseli, to facilitate the implementation of the plans.
Scope of the Consultancy
The consultant shall;
- Develop an information pack from the climate friendly economic activity feasibility assessment reports and the climate change strategies and action plans for Tsavo and Amboseli to enable ease of adoption by communities;
- Develop a training manual on climate change for communities in Tsavo and Amboseli landscapes, informed by the feasibility assessment reports and the climate change strategies and action plans for Tsavo and Amboseli;
- Facilitate two workshops (two days each), in Tsavo and Amboseli sub-landscapes, for community leaders to appreciate and adopt the climate change adaptation strategies and action plans for the two landscapes respectively;
- Facilitate two awareness and education workshops (two days each), in Tsavo and Amboseli, on climate change, for community members with emphasis on adaptation and mitigation strategies in line with the Climate Change Adaption Strategies and Action Plans for the two landscapes; and
- Compile and submit a report on the activities undertaken under this assignment.
Expected deliverables
- Information pack on climate friendly economic activities and the climate change strategies and action plans for Tsavo and Amboseli sub-landscapes
- Climate Change Training Manual
- Climate change strategy and action plan adoption workshop reports covering Tsavo and Amboseli sub-landscapes
- Climate change awareness and education workshop reports for Tsavo and Amboseli sub-landscapes
Required Qualifications
- University degree in areas on biodiversity, environmental governance, or climate change
- Experience in facilitating community based trainings on climate change adaptation and mitigation
- Experience in developing climate change adaptations and mitigation frameworks.
- Excellent communication and writing skills in English and Swahili.
Technical and Financial Proposals
Interested candidates should submit a technical indicating the and financial proposals based on the terms of reference outlined above to [email protected] and copy to [email protected] by 12.00 noon of 12th July 2021.
- The technical proposal will include an outline and description of methodology/approach to deliver the tasks and specific timelines based on the Terms of Reference;
- Curriculum vitae; and
- The financial proposal to include professional fees for the delivery of the service.
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