Laikipia Conservancies Association

Association Details
Name: Laikipia Conservancies Association
Size: 350,000 Ha
No. of Households: 11, 919
No. of Conservancies: 24
No. of Scouts: 512
No. of Staff: 1
No. of Counties Covered: 1
LCA member conservancies are a diverse group, comprised of both community and private conservancies. This diversity is a foundational strength of the association and our members
- Borana Conservancy
- El Karama Conservancy
- Il Mamusi (Mukogodo)
- Il Ngwesi Conservancy
- Kuri Kuri Group Ranch
- Laikipia Nature Conservancy (Ol Ari Nyiro)
- Lekurruki
- Loisaba
- Lolldaiga
- Makurian Group Ranch
- Mpala Research Centre
- Mugie Conservancy
- Naibunga Central
- Naibunga Lower
- Naibunga Upper
- Ol Jogi ltd
- Ol Maisor
- Ol Pejeta
- Ol-Lentile
- Ole Naishu
- Sangare Ranch
- Segera
- Sosian Samburumburu
- Suyian
The Laikipia Conservancies Association is a member-led organisation established in 2019 with the goal of bringing together conservancies in Laikipia to address common challenges and amplify our individual impacts. As one of the most important wildlife areas in Kenya, the future of Laikipia as a conservation landscape depends on conservancies. These institutions form a diverse mosaic, with different land tenure, governance, and management models, yet are aligned through recognition that a collaborative vision and management approach is critical to the future of conservancies as the core of a broader conservation landscape that supports people and wildlife
Vision: A connected and well-managed Laikipia landscape that conserves nature and improves people’s lives.
Mission: To support and strengthen Laikipia conservancies.
Laikipia Conservancies are recognised and valued: Increase public support and recognition for our members through better documenting and communicating the impacts of conservancies.
Effective and well-managed conservancies: Elevate the impact of Laikipia conservancies by supporting and strengthening the management capacity of our members.
The Laikipia conservation landscape is collaboratively planned and managed: Facilitate a collaborative planning and conservation management approach among conservancies across Laikipia.
Supportive policies and regulations enable and incentivise conservancies: Promote an enabling policy and regulatory environment for our members at local and national levels.
Conservancies are secure through long-term conservation tenure: Strengthen land tenure of member conservancies, ensuring long-term conservation.
Conservancies are financially prosperous and economic contributors to Laikipia: Develop new business mechanisms to strengthen the financial resiliency of our members.
2030 WATER RESOURCES GROUP is unique public-private-civil society collaboration. It facilitates open, trust-based dialogue processes to drive action on water resources reform in water stressed countries in developing economies. The ultimate aim of such reforms and actions is to close the gap between water demand and supply by the year 2030.
NEMA is the principal instrument of government in the implementation of all policies relating to the environment.
County Government of Laikipia’s mandate is to promote, foster and protect democracy and accountability for self-governance with respect to the rich diversity for development and accessibility of services.
Space for Giants protects Africa’s elephants from immediate threats like poaching while working to secure their habitats forever in landscapes facing greatly increasing pressures.
National Drought Management Authority vision is to build a safer and disaster resilient India by a holistic, pro-active, technology driven and sustainable development strategy that involves all stakeholders and fosters a culture of prevention, preparedness and mitigation
Northern Rangelands Trust’s mission is to develop resilient community conservancies, which transform people’s lives, secure peace and conserve natural resources. It does this in a number of ways.
Kenya Forest Services conserves, develops and sustainably manages forest resources for Kenya’s social-economic development.
Centre for Training and Integrated Research in ASAL Development is concerned with research and training to design strategies for sustainable development, promote land use planning for sustained livelihood and optimal resource use, foster sustainable resource use and management for improved productivity and promote non-farm, non-pastoral enterprises, infrastructure and related services.
Kenya Wildlife Services conserves and manages Kenya’s wildlife for the Kenyan people and the world.
Zeitz Foundation mission to create and support sustainable, ecologically and socially responsible projects and destinations around the world to achieve long-lasting impact and sustainability through the holistic balance of Conservation, Community, Culture and Commerce (the 4Cs) in privately managed areas.
East African Wildlife Society is a membership-based public benefit organisation that seeks to enhance the conservation and wise use of the environment and natural resources in the East African region.
Permaculture Research Institute offers advise and information on establishing a Permaculture Educational Demonstration sites, which operate as education centers that seek to replicate themselves across their respective surrounding regions.
African Wildlife Foundation together with the people of Africa, works to ensure the wildlife and wild lands of Africa will endure forever.
Mpala Research Centre (MRC) receives hundreds of students, educators, and scientists from around the globe each year, conducting research on everything from parasites to elephants. The unique set up of Mpala allows for researchers to use the land as a ‘living laboratory’ in which to conduct experiments and answer pressing questions on conservation and wildlife.
- Conservancies Supported
LCA member conservancies are a diverse group, comprised of both community and private conservancies. This diversity is a foundational strength of the association and our members
- Borana Conservancy
- El Karama Conservancy
- Il Mamusi (Mukogodo)
- Il Ngwesi Conservancy
- Kuri Kuri Group Ranch
- Laikipia Nature Conservancy (Ol Ari Nyiro)
- Lekurruki
- Loisaba
- Lolldaiga
- Makurian Group Ranch
- Mpala Research Centre
- Mugie Conservancy
- Naibunga Central
- Naibunga Lower
- Naibunga Upper
- Ol Jogi ltd
- Ol Maisor
- Ol Pejeta
- Ol-Lentile
- Ole Naishu
- Sangare Ranch
- Segera
- Sosian Samburumburu
- Suyian
- Association Info
The Laikipia Conservancies Association is a member-led organisation established in 2019 with the goal of bringing together conservancies in Laikipia to address common challenges and amplify our individual impacts. As one of the most important wildlife areas in Kenya, the future of Laikipia as a conservation landscape depends on conservancies. These institutions form a diverse mosaic, with different land tenure, governance, and management models, yet are aligned through recognition that a collaborative vision and management approach is critical to the future of conservancies as the core of a broader conservation landscape that supports people and wildlife
Vision: A connected and well-managed Laikipia landscape that conserves nature and improves people’s lives.
Mission: To support and strengthen Laikipia conservancies.
Laikipia Conservancies are recognised and valued: Increase public support and recognition for our members through better documenting and communicating the impacts of conservancies.
Effective and well-managed conservancies: Elevate the impact of Laikipia conservancies by supporting and strengthening the management capacity of our members.
The Laikipia conservation landscape is collaboratively planned and managed: Facilitate a collaborative planning and conservation management approach among conservancies across Laikipia.
Supportive policies and regulations enable and incentivise conservancies: Promote an enabling policy and regulatory environment for our members at local and national levels.
Conservancies are secure through long-term conservation tenure: Strengthen land tenure of member conservancies, ensuring long-term conservation.
Conservancies are financially prosperous and economic contributors to Laikipia: Develop new business mechanisms to strengthen the financial resiliency of our members.
- Partners
2030 WATER RESOURCES GROUP is unique public-private-civil society collaboration. It facilitates open, trust-based dialogue processes to drive action on water resources reform in water stressed countries in developing economies. The ultimate aim of such reforms and actions is to close the gap between water demand and supply by the year 2030.
NEMA is the principal instrument of government in the implementation of all policies relating to the environment.
County Government of Laikipia’s mandate is to promote, foster and protect democracy and accountability for self-governance with respect to the rich diversity for development and accessibility of services.
Space for Giants protects Africa’s elephants from immediate threats like poaching while working to secure their habitats forever in landscapes facing greatly increasing pressures.
National Drought Management Authority vision is to build a safer and disaster resilient India by a holistic, pro-active, technology driven and sustainable development strategy that involves all stakeholders and fosters a culture of prevention, preparedness and mitigation
Northern Rangelands Trust’s mission is to develop resilient community conservancies, which transform people’s lives, secure peace and conserve natural resources. It does this in a number of ways.
Kenya Forest Services conserves, develops and sustainably manages forest resources for Kenya’s social-economic development.
Centre for Training and Integrated Research in ASAL Development is concerned with research and training to design strategies for sustainable development, promote land use planning for sustained livelihood and optimal resource use, foster sustainable resource use and management for improved productivity and promote non-farm, non-pastoral enterprises, infrastructure and related services.
Kenya Wildlife Services conserves and manages Kenya’s wildlife for the Kenyan people and the world.
Zeitz Foundation mission to create and support sustainable, ecologically and socially responsible projects and destinations around the world to achieve long-lasting impact and sustainability through the holistic balance of Conservation, Community, Culture and Commerce (the 4Cs) in privately managed areas.
East African Wildlife Society is a membership-based public benefit organisation that seeks to enhance the conservation and wise use of the environment and natural resources in the East African region.
Permaculture Research Institute offers advise and information on establishing a Permaculture Educational Demonstration sites, which operate as education centers that seek to replicate themselves across their respective surrounding regions.
African Wildlife Foundation together with the people of Africa, works to ensure the wildlife and wild lands of Africa will endure forever.
Mpala Research Centre (MRC) receives hundreds of students, educators, and scientists from around the globe each year, conducting research on everything from parasites to elephants. The unique set up of Mpala allows for researchers to use the land as a ‘living laboratory’ in which to conduct experiments and answer pressing questions on conservation and wildlife.