Consultancy Opportunity to Carry out a Gender and Power Analysis for Amboseli Landscape and a Rapid Safety Assessment in Kasigau Conservancy

Home » Careers » Consultancy Opportunity to Carry out a Gender and Power Analysis for Amboseli Landscape and a Rapid Safety Assessment in Kasigau Conservancy


Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is the national representative body and voice for conservancies in Kenya. As an umbrella body, KWCA role is to catalyse the conservancy movement by connecting, informing, convening and representing private and community landowners and other key stakeholders in a shared effort to make wildlife conservancies thrive in Kenya. KWCA supports these conservancies through regional associations as umbrella organisations at the landscape level through which conservancies can have a voice, collaborate, share insights and best practices, integrate development planning, and manage conservancies at a large scale.


To enhance effectiveness, KWCA supports the growth of the regional associations working at a landscape level to coordinate the growth and coverage of conservancies. The associations play a critical role in landscape-level planning, advocacy at the county level, capacity building for conservancies, sharing of knowledge and best practices, and efforts to include women and youths in conservancy management. Amboseli Ecosystem Trust (AET) is one of the regional associations established to coordinate sustainable management of the Amboseli ecosystem. AET also serves as the landscape umbrella body for the 20 conservancies within 8 group ranches within the larger Amboseli landscape.


Scope of work

Objective of the assignment

  • To conduct a gender and power analysis in Amboseli landscape and rapid safety assessment for the gender project in Kasigau conservancy in Taita Taveta.


Specific objectives of the assignments


  1. Gender and Power analysis in Amboseli landscape
  • Identify the extent to which laws, policies, regulations, and institutional practices contain explicit and implicit gender biases.
  • Examines the ability of women and men to decide, influence and exercise control over material, human, intellectual, and financial resources, in the family, community and conservancies
  • Identify, understand and describe how the prevailing gendered and cultural norms, relations and practices and beliefs affect women’s participation in and benefits from conservancy activities
  • Examine what women and men do in these spheres, including their roles, responsibilities and identify potential constrains to participation in activities
  • Examine whether men and women own and/or have access to and the capacity to use productive resources and have the information necessary to be a fully active and productive participant in society
  • Identify potential actions and recommendations that KWCA, Amboseli Ecosystem Trust (AET) and conservancies can incorporate into an action plan for reducing GBV and promoting the participation of women and other marginalized groups


  1. Rapid safety assessment in Kasigau conservancy in Taita Taveta
  • Facilitate the identification of risks and the assessment of vulnerabilities to both men and women in Kasigau conservancy and its environs and the mitigation measures.


The consultant will undertake the following specific activities;


  • Hold an inception meeting with KWCA team to get a clear understanding of the assignment and scope
  • Conduct a desk review to understand the current gender gaps in needed information and a general outlook of a situation related to gender and can help inform further steps on collecting primary data
  • Develop the gender analysis and safety assessment framework inclusive of the approach and tools for the gender and power analysis and safety assessment
  • Carry out key informant interviews and focus group discussions with relevant actors
  • Prepare and submit a report detailing the methodology, findings, analysis of the findings and recommendations


Specific outcomes of the gender and power analysis and safety assessment

  1. A better understanding of the gendered power dynamics between groups and individuals, opportunities and constraints and to inform a given project development and implementation in the Amboseli landscape
  2. Articulate and document specific, actionable recommendations for project implementation and evidence-based gender responsive action plan
  3. Document the specific safety risks within Kasigau conservancies assessment and proposed mitigation measures to inform the safety considerations during the implementation of the project including the risk mitigation strategies and/or advocacy goals.

Qualification and Experience

  1. A university degree in gender studies, social sciences, community development, environment conservation, governance or a related field
  2. Proven experience working on gender and conducting assessment in the sector
  3. At least five years’ experience in gender and monitoring and evaluation
  4. Experience working with conservancies will be an added advantage
  5. Excellent communication, presentation, report writing and analytical skills;


  1. Inception report with the gender analysis framework and proposed tools, and work plan describing proposed activities and timelines for carrying out the assignment
  2. Draft gender analysis and safety assessment report
  3. Final gender analysis report and action plan
  4. Final safety assessment report

Submission of Expression of interest

The proposal should demonstrate sound knowledge, technical skills and capacity as required by the nature of work and understanding of the requisite tasks set forth in the scope of work.

Interested candidates should submit the following;

  1. Technical and financial proposal
  2. Workplan
  3. Curriculum vitae of the consultant (s)
  4. Proof of previous related assignments

The proposals should be emailed to indicating clearly on the email header the title of the consultancy by Friday 9th March, 2023

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