KWCA and Lumo Conservancy Implementing a BIOPAMA Medium Grant to Strengthen Governance, Equity and Management of Lumo Conservancy.
KWCA has in line with its new Strategic Plan, prioritized strengthening of governance and equity among its member conservancies for improved social and conservation outcomes. The organization has identified the Site-level Assessment of Governance and Equity tool (SAGE) as one tools capable of providing stakeholders and rightsholders to self-assess on the governance and equity structures and processes of their own institutions such as conservancies and implement actions for improvement. The implementation of SAGE tool in conservancies also aligns with the Global Biodiversity Framework on the 30 x 30 target that seeks to ensure that protected and conserved areas are effectively managed and equitable governed for benefit of people and biodiversity.

To this end, KWCA and Lumo are co-implementing a governance and management strengthening project in Lumo conservancy, supported by BIOPAMA Medium Grant. The 2-year project that ends in December 2024 seeks to improve biodiversity and socio-economic outcomes of Lumo Community Conservancy by strengthening its governance and equity
principles through the implementation of specific actions born out of a Site Level Assessment of Governance and Equity (SAGE) of Lumo conservancy carried out in November 2021. Some of the areas of focus include:
- Strengthening governance capacity of the conservancy through Board training on
good governance, and conducting of AGMs - Supporting rangers’ welfare (salaries, food rations, uniforms, etc) and building
their capacity including human rights training, - Enhancing ranger operations through equipment procurement
- Inclusion of women and youth in conservancy processes through establishment of women and youth forums