
Purpose: To build the financial sustainability of the Conservancy and provide alternative income generating opportunities for local people.

Conservancies engage in enterprise development to generate income as well as to leverage support for conservation from Communities through diversifying livelihoods. Enterprises can be diverse; however, a common factor to all nature-based business development that a Conservancy undertakes must be that it adheres to the principles of conservation and sustainable utilization of natural resources. Enterprises cannot conflict with the Conservancy’s primary role in wildlife conservation. Examples of businesses supported by Conservancies include:

Marketing of local craft products (for tourism and other markets).
Bio-enterprise such as honey, aloes, medicinal plants, snake-venom, butterflies.
Fish farming or fisheries marketing.
Marketing of agricultural products.
Tree nurseries.
A Conservancy logo is important in identifying your Conservancy on publications or other communication materials; similarly a Conservancy may also create its own website and email as a means of communicating with the outside world.