Consultancy Opportunity to Undertake an Organizational Capacity Assesment for KWCA

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Terms of Reference
Undertake an Organizational Capacity Assesment for KWCA 



The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is a national landowner led membership organization, established in 2013 to serve the collective interests of over 200 community and private conservancies. KWCA works to create an enabling environment for conservancies to thrive by advocating for the right policies, laws and incentives and supporting them through information sharing, and capacity building. KWCA recognizes that conservancies represent a strong mechanism to promote wildlife stewardship and custodianship by local communities and landowners that share land with wildlife. 

In the last ten years, KWCA has grown from a relatively nascent start-up organization to a more effective and established organization that now plays a critical national leadership role in the country’s conservation, environment and natural resources sector. In addition, KWCA has evolved into a respected and trusted authority in community conservation locally and globally as is evidenced by its growth in membership growth and strategic partnerships. 

KWCA has carried out two OCA’s with the last one being in 2020. KWCA scored an average of 3.0 and with its continued growth and tenure, KWCA is at a position where it needs to conduct a thorough reflection on its processes and functions, and score itself against benchmarks. These discussions and the scoring, will enable KWCA to shape and set its priorities for actions it can take to strengthen its capacity going forward and foster sustainability and also determine if improvements have been made since the last OCA. 


Objective of the assignment 

KWCA is looking to acquire services from a firm/agency/individual to undertake an Organizational Capacity Assesment (OCA) with the aim of establishing the existing institutional governance, management and operational capacities, gaps, challenges and opportunities for growth. 


Scope of Work 

The tasks are as follows; 

1. Carry out a review of KWCA’s background documents including previous OCA reports, ISPs, and ther documents to inform the OCA process. 

2. Undertake a comprehensive organizational capacity assessment (OCA) of Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association 

3. Develop a comprehensive institutional capacity development plan, informed by the OCA, which details the areas, systems and processes required to develop governance, management and operational capacities of KWCA 


Key Deliverables 

1. An OCA report for KWCA that meets the assessment objectives contained in the ToR; 

2. A comprehensive institutional strengthening plan for KWCA 


The OCA will focus on the following, but not limited to the following areas: 

a) Governance and legal structure 

b) Clarity on mission and vision of the organisation 

c) Organisational management 

d) Program management and performance management 

e) Financial management and internal control systems 

f) Administration and procurement systems 

g) Human resource systems 

h) Organisational sustainability 

i) Succession planning 

Required qualifications and skills 

The consultant must meet the following specifications: 

1. An advanced degree in business, social sciences, management or related subject 

2. At least 5 years of professional experience in the execution of OCA’s and Organizational development 

3. Flexible, creative, detail-oriented and well organized 

4. Ability to maintain the highest standards of confidentiality and professionalism and sound judgement 

5. Strong communication and interpersonal skills 


Submission of Proposal 

The proposal should demonstrate sound knowledge, technical skills and capacity as required by the nature of work of the assignment and understanding of the requisite tasks set forth in the scope of work. 

Eligible consultants should submit the following; 

1. Technical and financial proposals 

2. Date and activity schedule 

3. CV of designated personnel 

4. Minimum of 2 recommendations from previous assignments 

5. Company/Individual registration documents; Registration certificates, CR12 certificates, KRA certificates and Tax compliance Certificates 


The proposals should be emailed to [email protected] indicating clearly on the email header the title of the consultancy by Friday 31st May, 2024 

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