Consultancy to Provide Asset Tagging Services

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The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is a national landowner led membership organization, established in 2013 to serve the collective interests of over 184 community and private conservancies. KWCA works to create an enabling environment for conservancies to thrive by advocating for the right policies, laws and incentives and supporting them through information sharing, and capacity building. KWCA recognizes that conservancies represent a strong mechanism to promote wildlife stewardship and custodianship by local communities and landowners that share land with wildlife.

KWCA has vast assets including among others Furniture, Computers and Vehicles. In pursuit of its mandate,an exhaustive record of all fixed and movable assets of KWCA has to be systematically documented. In viewof this KWCA is desirous of undertaking identification, verification and tagging of all its assets and preparationof assets register/inventory within its area of jurisdiction in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards which are compliant with prudent financial management.

KWCA therefore wishes to procure consultancy services for asset identification,  verification and tagging ofall its assets .


Objective of the assignment

The key objectives of the assignment are:

i. Identify all the KWCA existing physical assets

ii. Develop an asset register, assess the asset condition and useful life and assign identificationnumbers/ tags.

iii. Tag all the movable and non-movable assets

iv. Develop and recommend a methodology for periodic identification and verification of assets

v. Develop an updated assets/ inventory register


 Scope of Work

The scope covers all assets that KWCA has.

i. The consultant shall carry out a  comprehensive and  complete  physical  identification,verification and tagging of all assets.

ii. The consultant shall tag all KWCA assets with good quality and durable Barcode tags with KWCA logoand code numbers.

iii. Provide a listing of all tagged assets and their locations.

iv. The consultant shall identify and indicate any obsolete assets captured, and assign a valuation for them separately



The consultant  shall provide a report that is comprehensive.

Well bound printed hardcopies of the report shall be presented in addition to the Soft Copies of the same.

The report both hardcopy and soft copy should include:

i. Description of asset-Include the physical location, units,  date of  acquisition and original cost etc

ii. Make and model number (where applicable)

iii. Asset Location

iv. Asset Tag number

v. Asset Serial Number

vi. Asset Status

viii. Asset Sub Category

ix. Any other relevant remarks for the asset.


  Specifications for the asset tags

  1. Anodized aluminum bar code
  2. Alphanumeric code
  3. Code is readable by scanner
  4. Adhesive that can stick to metal, plastic, wood and any othersurface and should be durable


Submission of Proposal

The proposal should demonstrate sound knowledge, technical skills and capacity as required by the nature of work of the assignment and understanding of the requisite tasks set forth in the scope of work.

Eligible companies/agencies should submit the following;

  1. Technical and financial proposals
  2. Date and activity schedule
  3. CV of designated personnel
  4. Recommendations from previous assignments


The proposals should be emailed to indicating clearly on the email header the title of the consultancy by 10th August, 2023

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