KWCA wins RISE Challenge Award

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KWCA wins RISE Challenge Award

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KWCA is among four winners of the second round of the USAID Office of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GenDev) Resilient, Inclusive & Sustainable Environments (RISE) Challenge Award designed to support organisations address Gender Based Violence (GBV) in environmental programming.


The RISE Challenge aims to:

  • Spur greater awareness of the intersection between environmental degradation and GBV
  • Test new environmental programming approaches that incorporate efforts to prevent and respond to GBV
  • Widely share evidence of effective interventions and policies
  • Elevate this issue and attract commitments from other organisations, including implementing partners and donors, for collaboration and co-investment.


Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is partnering with Fauna & Flora InternationalCARE KenyaCentre for Rights Education and Awareness, and Taita Taveta Wildlife Conservancies Association to implement the project in Kenya: Advancing Equitable Gender, Social, and Power Norms in Community Conservancies.


This project will address gender-based violence (GBV) and ensure more equitable access to and control of natural resources in conservancies in Kenya by advancing equitable norms. To facilitate transformation and gender equality, KWCA and its partners will adapt elements and tools of CARE International’s Social Analysis and Action model. The consortium will provide training and safe spaces for KWCA and selected conservancy staff to identify and challenge harmful gender norms, and to help conservancies promote safe, equitable, and inclusive decision-making.


With RISE funding, KWCA will also update its gender strategy to address GBV and work with member conservancies to develop and roll out a safeguarding policy. Through these activities, this project will increase consciousness of unequal norms and encourage conservancy staff to adopt and maintain positive changes in gender relations.


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