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Conservancies Given Prominence in Kenya’s New Wildlife Policy

Pauline Lolgogine Chairperson of Sera Wildlife Conservancy contributing to the Wildlife Policy during KWCA national Conservancy Leaders Forum in Nairobi.     Kenya’s 40 year old policy; Sessional Paper No.3 of 1975 titled “A Statement on Future Wildlife Management Policy in Kenya” recognized community participation in wildlife conservation and management but failed to provide an […]

KWCA Organizational Profile

The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is a national membership organization that serves the interests and represents the collective desires of Kenyan communities and private landowners living with wildlife. We believe that with the right laws, incentives, support, information and experience, conservancies have the potential to transform local livelihoods and conservation eforts for Kenya. Our […]

KWCA Strategic Plan 2015-2018

Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) was formed in 2013 in order to provide a national, landholder-driven organization to coordinate, represent, support, and champion the growing assortment of conservancies and to strengthen their role in conservation and economic development.