TOR for Development of a Business Plan

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Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Foundation (KWCF) is incorporated as a COMPANY LIMITED BY GUARANTEE Reg. No. CPR/2013/104087 on 31st May 2013. KWCF was founded as a subsidiary of the Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA)


KWCF’s main goal is to increase the flow of tangible benefits to conservancies by ensuring KWCA is financially sustainable and has sustained capacity to design and implement its program. As the sustainability arm for KWCA, the Foundation is designed to innovate, incubate and bring into practice a private sector approach to attaining sustainability for KWCA, Conservancy associations and conservancies across Kenya, strengthening the link between economic development and biodiversity conservation.


KWCF takes on an innovative upscaling approach to provide thought leadership, experimentation, piloting and growing the capacity for KWCA and its member conservancies to succeed in the longer term. The foundation is further designed to provide technical and consulting services to conservancies and conservancy stakeholders to generate resources to enable it to offer competitive services and undertake any activity that generate income and earn profits.


In order to effectively accomplish its priority programs, KWCF seeks to use the social enterprise/business approach to bolster conservation efforts while generating additional income for KWCA to enable it to run and sustain its initiatives. To operationalise KWCF the following business opportunities have been mapped out for further development through this consultancy and to include additional business opportunities that may be considered viable and priority over the next five years.


  1. Consultancy; design a consultancy framework to offer cost effective services to conservancies including legal support, management planning, compliance, mapping, assessments among others
  2. Innovative technology driven tourism marketing for conservancies; a marketing platform, ease of access to information, digital information, marketing and guidance to domestic and foreign tourists which will result in better occupancy rates and income inflows
  3. Conservancies Grant Facility; an effective mechanism to raise funds for grants and micro-loans to conservancies and an awarding structure to support conservancies at nascent stage to manage core programs


Objective of the assignment


KWCF is thus seeking the services of a Business Development Consultant to assess the viability of the above opportunities, identify new opportunities and design a business plan that identifies priority activities, investments required and workplans for delivery of the identified business opportunities. The consultant will further propose a governance structure, human resource capacity, risk management and monitoring plan to guide KWCF in its operations.


Specific tasks

  1. Inception meeting with KWCA management to get a clear understanding of the TOR
  2. Conduct a market analysis to identify priority business opportunities for KWCF
  3. Validate the business opportunities against conservancy needs and KWCA priorities
  4. Develop a Business Model and Plan outlining a business description, products and services, success factors, marketing, licensing, personnel and investment required.



  1. A Sustainable Business Model and 2-year Business Plan


Required qualifications and skills

  1. Demonstrated experience in undertaking similar assignments within NGOs/civil society organisations and the governance sector within the last 10 years
  2. A minimum of a Master’s degree in Business, Strategic Management or a related field
  3. Strong research and analytical skills, communication (oral and written), interpersonal and facilitation skills


Submission of Proposal

The proposal should demonstrate sound knowledge, technical skills and capacity as required by the nature of work of the assignment and understanding of the requisite tasks set forth in the scope of work.


The consultant should submit the following.


  1. Technical and financial proposals
  2. Date and activity schedule
  3. CV of designated personnel
  4. Minimum of 2 recommendations from previous assignments


The proposals should be emailed to [email protected] indicating clearly on the email header the title of the consultancy by Friday 2nd December, 2022


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