NACSO visits KWCA, discusses partnership for sharing best practices for Conservancies

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The Namibian Association for Community Based Natural Resource Management Support Organizations (NACSO) has praised KWCA for their work policy advocacy and promoting better conservancy standards in Kenya.

The team are on a learning visit in kenya to learn and exchange ideas on implementation of wildlife corridors and diversification of revenue streams for conservancies. The team noted Kenyan conservancies were innovative in their diversification of revenue streams created through enterprise development while Namibia had only focused on tourism and hunting for revenue.

Gladys Warigia, KWCA policy Coordinator welcomed the team and acknowledged the visit as an important visit to KWCA. “NACSO played a role in the formation of KWCA and has set a good example for community conservancies in the region. She said. We have always looked up to NACSO as a best practice in supporting development of conservancies.”

Kenya has been facing challenges of protecting wildlife corridors due to increased human settlements along wildlife corridors. Gladys pointed out that KWCA in partnership with its 12 regional associations had been encouraging communities to establish conservancies and secure space for wildlife for the purposes of improving their livelihoods and protecting the wildlife. “KWCA is at the fore front in advocating for recognition and protection of community land rights to ensure that the future of community conservancies is guaranteed.” said Gladys.

NACSO noted KWCA as association was stronger in representing conservancies compared to NACSO which was representing NGOs. “We have always thought of setting up an association and we now have an opportunity to learn from KWCA on how to do it.” Said Richard Diggle from WWF Namibia. I admire the uniqueness of bringing both the private and Community Conservancies together to form a national association.”

In the spirit of sharing best practices and lessons, KWCA is in the process of developing the 1st national conservancies status report in 2016 and has made reference to NACSO state of conservancies reports. Both organizations have identified the need to develop a formal partnership that promotes continued learning from each other for the betterment of wildlife conservation and community development.

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