PS State Department of Wildlife establishes a Committee to Implement recommendations of the Wildlife Corridors and Dispersal Areas Report

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KWCA CEO Mr. Dickson Kaelo has been appointed by the PS State Department of Wildlife Dr. Margaret Mwakima to represent conservancies in a committee to spearhead the implementation of the National Wildlife Migratory Corridors and Dispersal Areas Report. The report launched on 26th July 2017,  recommends the engagement of local communities, private landowners, national and county government to work in a collaborative process to secure critical wildlife areas to overcome challenges of human wildlife conflicts caused by human population and encroachment in wildlife habitat.


The collaboration and good will by local communities and landowners is essential in the implementation of the report and provides an opportunity for the conservation fraternity to collaborate with the County Governments and other stakeholders in securing the identified and mapped corridors. Implementation of the report is in line with Kenya’s Vision 2030 flagship project, which recognises wildlife conservation as an important pillar in the socio-economic development of the country.

Click Here to download the Wildlife Migratory Corridors and Dispersal Areas report 

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