Tag: Community Rangers

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Remarks by KWCA CEO Dickson Kaelo on World Ranger Day Celebrations

World Ranger Day Celebration Remarks by CEO, Kenya wildlife Conservancies Association, Dickson Kaelo Made on July 31st 2018, KWS HQ Today,  is world rangers day, a global event to celebrate and commemorate the work of Rangers working in our forests, parks, reserves and other conservation areas across the country. I join the International Rangers Federation […]

E-Newsletter: Celebrating World Ranger Day 31st July 2018

The natural world is under immense pressure right around the globe. Species loss, habitat destruction, climate change and environmental crime are urgent issues that directly concern us all and deserve our attention. Today, on World Rangers Day, we recognize the increasingly risky and difficult job rangers do each and every day in service of nature and conservation. Rangers around the […]

World Rangers Day: Celebrating Lumo Community Wildlife Conservancy Female Ranger, Ludovika Malemba,

Forty-year-old, mother of four, Ludovika Malemba, a female community ranger from Lumo Community Conservancy emerges top in academics at the KWS law enforcement academy Among 60 community rangers completing the Community Rangers training course at the KWS Law Enforcement Academy (KWS LEA) only 2 are female. Ludovika Malemba stands out, she was awarded best in […]