Year: 2017

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Conservancies Given Prominence in Kenya’s New Wildlife Policy

Pauline Lolgogine Chairperson of Sera Wildlife Conservancy contributing to the Wildlife Policy during KWCA national Conservancy Leaders Forum in Nairobi.     Kenya’s 40 year old policy; Sessional Paper No.3 of 1975 titled “A Statement on Future Wildlife Management Policy in Kenya” recognized community participation in wildlife conservation and management but failed to provide an […]

Conservancy Rangers Review KWS LEA Paramilitary Training Curriculum

On 30 August, 35 conservancy managers and head rangers drawn from Mara, South Rift, Taita, Amboseli, Rift-lakes, Laikipia and Northern regions attended the Conservancies Rangers Review meeting. The meeting organized by KWS in partnership with KWCA was mainly geared towards soliciting feedback from the conservancy rangers and managers on the quality and improvements that can […]

Securing Wildlife Corridors and Dispersal Areas Report Launched

Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Prof Judy Wakhungu launched the Wildlife Corridors and Dispersal Areas Report on Wednesday 16 August. The report, which is part of Kenya’s Vision 2030 flagship project, recognizes wildlife conservation as an important pillar in the socio-economic development of the country. “Kenya has dramatically lost 68% of its wildlife posing […]

Limiting National Parks Compensation Claims Will Derail Conservation Efforts

The recent proposal by the Parliamentary Committee on Environment and Natural Resources to limit compensation claims on wildlife injuries and death to Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) managed parks, if enacted, would jeopardize wildlife conservation efforts in the country. The purpose of compensation as provided in the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act 2013 is to offset […]

Kenya’s Tourism Marketing Strategy should focus on Promoting Diverse Tourism Products

According to the Economic Survey 2017, Kenya earned KSh100 billion from 1.3 million tourists who visited the country in 2016. The country has potential to grow these numbers for both international and domestic tourism if the national tourism market strategy is re-designed to focus on individual county brands. KWCA CEO Dickson Kaelo shares his opinions […]

Report: Second Biennual National Conservancy Managers Policy Workshop

KWCA held its second biennial conservancy leaders conference on 27th-28th February at CORAT Africa under the theme Effective leadership and Policies for Conservancies in Kenya. The conference, which brought together 105 conservancy managers from KWCA conservancy members across KWCA 12 regional associations, provided a resourceful platform for conservancy managers to learn, share and network. The conference […]

KWCA Publishes the Kenya National Wildlife Conservancies Map 2016

KWCA has published the first ever complete map of community, group and private conservancies in Kenya. The National Wildlife Conservancies Map 2016 enlists 119 conservancies, of the total 160 conservancies in Kenya. The spatial extent of some 40 conservancies could not be ascertained either because they are still being negotiated or mapping has not been […]

OP-ED: Conservancies not source of raging conflict in Laikipia

  KWCA CEO, Dickson Kaelo shares his thoughts on the recent invasions of conservancies in Laikipia. He explains how conservancies have helped resolve inter ethnic conflict between pastoralists communities in the Northern Region and how livelihoods have been enhanced through enterprise development in the Mara and Laikipia regions.