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Consultancy Opportunity: Awareness Creation on Climate Change and Adoption of Tsavo and Amboseli Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies and Action Plans

  Introduction Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) has partnered with WWF-Kenya to implement a project on “Protection of key ecosystems, increased resilience and adaptation for their sustainable use by local communities”.  The project beneficiaries are select community conservancies within the Kenya’s southern rangelands of Tsavo, Amboseli and Maasai Mara landscapes.   KWCA, being the national umbrella […]

Consultancy Opportunity: Development of a Practical guide to integrate gender in conservancies

TERMS OF REFERENCE   DEVELOPMENT OF A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO INTEGRATE GENDER IN CONSERVANCIES     Introduction   Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is the national representative body and voice for community and private wildlife conservancies in Kenya. As an umbrella body, KWCA role is to help catalyse the conservancy movement by connecting, informing, convening […]

Consultancy Opportunity: Development of Amboseli Ecosystem Trust Fundraising Strategy

Background Amboseli Ecosystem Trust (AET) brings together the communities and organisations of Amboseli to develop land use practices that improve the livelihoods and wellbeing through the coexistence of people and wildlife. This is in an effort to keep the Amboseli Ecosystem rangelands open, diverse and healthy for the benefit of people and wildlife. AET intends […]

Development of Investment Prospectus for Select Wildlife Conservancies in Kenya

Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is a national landowner led membership organisation, established in 2013 to serve the interests and collective voice of over 160 community and private conservancies.  KWCA works to create an enabling environment for conservancies to thrive by advocating for the right policies, laws and incentives and supporting them through information sharing, […]

Consultancy Opportunity: TTWCA Organisational Capacity Assessment and Governance Board Training

  CONSULTANCY TERMS OF REFERENCE ORGANISATIONAL CAPACITY ASSESSMENT AND BOARD TRAINING ON GOOD GOVERNANCE FOR TAITA TAVETA WILDLIFE CONSERVANCIES ASSOCIATION    Background   Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is the national umbrella body representing wildlife conservancies in Kenya. KWCA’s role is to catalyse conservancies growth by serving as a national coordinating voice, advocate for policies […]

Consultancy Opportunity: BCCA Organisational Capacity Assessment and Governance Board Training

  CONSULTANCY TERMS OF REFERENCE ORGANISATIONAL CAPACITY ASSESSMENT AND BOARD TRAINING ON GOOD GOVERNANCE FOR BARINGO COUNTY CONSERVANCIES ASSOCIATION Background  Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is the national umbrella body representing wildlife conservancies in Kenya. KWCA’s role is to catalyse conservancies growth by serving as a national coordinating voice, advocate for policies that support conservancies […]

Consultancy Opportunity: Development of Ecosystem Management Planning Guidelines

  TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONSULTANCY ON FORMULATION OF ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT PLANNING GUIDELINES TO GUIDE PARTICIPATION OF WILDLIFE CONSERVANCIES IN KENYA   Background The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is a national landowner led membership organisation, established in 2013 to serve the interests and collective voice of over 160 community and private conservancies.  KWCA works […]

We are Hiring! Gender officer

Kenyan Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is the national membership representative body and voice of conservancies in Kenya. Our role is to support and catalyse the conservancy movement by connecting, informing, convening and representing conservancies and other key stakeholders in a shared effort to make wildlife conservancies thrive in Kenya. KWCA seeks to recruit a highly […]


TERMS OF REFERENCE   1.     Introduction The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is a national landowner led membership organisation, established in 2013 to serve the interests and collective voice of over 160 community and private conservancies.  KWCA works to create an enabling environment for conservancies to thrive by advocating for the right policies, laws and […]

We are Hiring! Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Officer

Kenyan Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is the national membership representative body and the voice of conservancies in Kenya. Our role is to support and catalyse the conservancy movement by connecting, informing, convening and representing conservancies and other key stakeholders in a shared effort to make wildlife conservancies thrive in Kenya. KWCA seeks to recruit a […]
