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A Guide to Carbon Projects for Conservancies

KWCA wishes to inform on the withdrawal of the Guide to Carbon Projects for Conservancies from our Website and other social media platforms. We are re-editing the Guide, following feedback received on Guide, which we appreciate and are reviewing.  We shall be sharing a re-edited version soonest.

KWCA Youth Engagement Strategy

KWCA Youth Engagement Strategy has been developed in consultations with youths drawn from select conservancies to ensure inclusive practices are mainstreamed in conservancies. The strategy highlights guiding principles for youth engagement and focuses on four strategic approaches for youth engagement in conservancies; Youth Leadership, Knowledge Building and Awareness, Economic Empowerment, and Institutional Strengthening.  

Annual Report 2023

The Annual Report highlights our 2023 achievements and lessons learnt. Read to learn the progress we made in our work in 2o23.

Ending Gender-Based Violence (GBV): A Guide for Conservancies

Ending Gender Based Violence in Conservancies guide has been developed for managers, leaders and staff of conservancies including conservancy stakeholders to learn about GBV; what it is, how it manifests in conservancies, why conservancies should address it and actions to take to address GBV in conservancies.

Towards Achieving Gender Equity in Kenya: A guide for Wildlife Conservancies

KWCA is driven by the desire for men and women to contribute meaningfully and benefit equitably from wildlife conservancies in Kenya. When women are fully engaged in conservancy activities and decision-making, with and alongside men, conservancies thrive. These guidelines have been prepared for the staff, managers, and leaders of community conservancies and landscape conservancy associations, […]

Free, Prior, And Informed Consent (Fpic) – A Guide For Conservancies In Kenya October 2023

KWCA has developed the FREE PRIOR INFORMED CONSENT (FPIC) guide to promote community safeguards for the benefit of the people and nature. This guide is designed to inform conservancy members and conservancy stakeholders on what FPIC is all about and how to apply FPIC when developments and investments are occurring in community lands and conservancies.  […]

Youth Engagement in Wildlife Conservancies Strategy

The Youth Engagement in Wildlife Conservancies Strategy provides a framework to guide the entire conservancy network on its work with and for youth, strengthens the network to engage young people and benefit from their insights, energy and resourcefulness, and ensures that the work of the conservancy network on youth issues is carried out in a […]

Conducting an Effective Annual General Meeting – A guide for Conservancy Leaders and members in Kenya

Conducting an Effective AGM guide has been developed for AGM planners and participants of group and community conservancies to ensure AGMs are effective platforms to attain informed consent, decision-making and clarity in how the conservancy is accountable and transparent to its members and partners, ultimately strengthening conservancy governance and management structures.   An AGM is […]

Management and Administration of Community Land under the Community Land Act 2016

This factsheet answers some of the most frequently asked questions on the management of community land under the Community Land  Management Act 2016. It shares information on the formation of community management land committees, their functions and duties, the Do’s and Don’ts, the role of county governments, and how to settle disputes related to community […]

Factsheet: Natural Resources (Benefit Sharing) Bill 2022

The Natural Resources (Benefit Sharing) Bill was first introduced in Senate in 2014, re-published in 2018 and 2020. KWCA, on behalf of its member conservancies, developed and submitted a memorandum in December 2022. This factsheet highlights content of the bill, the issues, what’s at stake and what needs to be done.  

African Nature Based Tourism Platform – Kenya Summary Report

KWCA in partnership with African Nature-Based Tourism platform collaborated on this survey to assess the degree in which Kenyan conservancies were impacted by COVID-19 and to better understand  their involvement in conservation and tourism, how the COVID-19 pandemic  affected them, and what their resulting needs were.  

Global Code of Conduct for Rangers

This Rangers Code of Conduct was developed by the International Ranger Federation  following global, iterative consultation process with rangers, ranger associations, ranger employers, national and regional government bodies, human rights organisations and other relevant stakeholders, to guide behaviour,  professionalise the ranger workforce and maintain high standards of practice and ethics. The document provides a common […]

Magical Kenya Tourism and Travel Health and Safety Protocols For the New Normal

The Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife  launched the Tourism and Travel Health and Safety Protocols on 1st July 2020 to provide guidance for the tourism sector’s proper reopening once it is safe to do so. KWCA participated in the drafting  of the protocols as a member of the National Tourism and Hospitality Protocols Taskforce to […]

Baringo County Conservancies Profile 2020

The Baringo County Conservancies Profile Report demonstrates the current status of community conservancies in Baringo and highlights significant gaps and opportunities to develop the conservancy movement through which ecosystems services will be enhanced and local livelihoods supported.

KWCA Strategic Plan 2019-2023

In our first phase ( 2015-2018), we demonstrated the importance of growing as a network,  providing a united voice and raising the national and international profile of conservancies in Kenya’s wildlife industry. We were able to establish the first national state of conservancies report including Kenya’s conservancies map.  In our second journey (2019-2023), we realise […]

National Wildlife Conservation Status Report

The National Wildlife Conservation Status Report gives the status of all National Parks and Reserves; Conservancies and Sanctuaries; community wildlife scouts in Conservancies; Management Plans; all listed species in Schedule 6 and 7 and their recovery status. Focus is given to the conservation status of endangered listed species, their habitats and factors that influence their […]

When Good Conservation becomes Good Economics: Kenya’s Vanishing Herds

World Bank has published a report, When Good Conservation becomes Good Economics: Kenya’s Vanishing Herds. The report determines the contribution of wildlife in the economy mainly through tourism; investigates the primary factors driving the rapid decline in wildlife and recommends win-win policies that simultaneously deliver on development and conservation. In addition, it closely examines the role […]

Community Wildlife Conservation Committee (CWCC)

The Cabinet Secretary Tourism and Wildlife Hon. Najib Balala has appointed members of the Community Wildlife Conservation Committees (CWCC) in all 47 counties as per gazette notice Vol. No CXX- No.105.  The Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act No. 18 of 2018, introduced CWCC as an amendment to the County Wildlife Conservation and Compensation Committee (CWCCC)

4th Annual Conservancy Leaders Report 2019

On 27th and 28th March 2019 KWCA held its 4th Annual Conservancy Leaders Conference at Multimedia University Conference Centre Nairobi. The conference attended by 121 community and private conservancies leaders from 27 Counties was officially opened by Dr John Waithaka, Chairperson KWS Board of Trustees. The conference involved engaging presentations by KWCA members and partners, […]

KWCA Gender Strategy

KWCA’s commitment to gender integration is designed in an incremental and phased manner cognisant of the cultural, conservation and biodiversity dynamics. As such it is outlined work towards institutionalising gender mainstreaming in all KWCA’s organisational arrangement, governance and operational processes. This gender strategy articulates and institutionalises gender mainstreaming within KWCA its Regional Associations and conservancy […]

Factsheet- Recent Amendments to the Wildlife Act 2013

The Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act No. 18 of 2018, passed on 31st December 2018 and effective 4th January 2019 substantially amends the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act 2013, focusing on; Institutional structures & functions changes; New offences and penalties on wildlife crimes

National Wildlife Strategy 2030

The National Wildlife Strategy 2030 is a roadmap for transforming wildlife conservation in Kenya. It is aligned to Kenya’s Vision 2030 and the Government’s Big Four Agenda. It identifies a clear set of five (5) year priority goals and strategies around four key pillars: Resilient Ecosystems; Engagement by all Kenyans, Evidence Based Decision Making and Sustainability […]

Conservancy Leaders Conference Report 2018

The 3rd Annual Conservancy Leaders Conference was held on 27th February 2018 and brought together over 100 conservancy leaders drawn from 28 counties to share experiences and lessons from the growing conservancy network and discuss opportunities and challenges regarding the growth of conservancies in Kenya. This report summarises the proceedings of the conference with speeches by […]

Report on Wildlife Corridors and Dispersal Areas

This report provides a comprehensive synthesis of the wildlife dispersal areas and migratory corridors in Kenya’s rangeland and coastal terrestrial ecosystems. It explicitly identifies and maps wildlife habitat connectivity and associated conservation issues and concerns. It also suggests salient recommendations on strategies for securing the dispersal areas and migratory corridors within the specific context of […]

Wildlife Corridors and Dispersal Areas Report Summary and Fact Sheet

Kenya’s wildlife is the envy of the world and a key economic asset for the country and the region. Wildlife is an important driver of economic development and provides irreplaceable cultural and social value to the people of Kenya. For example, the highest returns from wildlife based tourism and photography was in 2011 and it […]

State of Conservancies Summary Report

This summary shares key highlights about Kenya’s wildlife conservancies today. It is based on the 2016 status report, which was prepared by Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) as part of the implementation of the USAID-Kenya funded Community Conservancy Policy Support program (CCSP) implemented by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and KWCA.

State of Wildlife Conservancies in Kenya Report

Since the emergence of the first conservancies in the 1970s, conservancies have grown in number and their institutional complexity broadened beyond wildlife conservation and tourism to include peace and security, livestock management, land and natural resources management. More recently conservancies are demonstrating impacts as a platform for securing rural community livelihoods, developing social infrastructure, promoting […]

KWCA Wildlife Conservancy Guide

Conservancies are Kenya’s response to the challenges of poaching, human-wildlife conflict, land degradation and rising poverty. They are based on the premise that given the necessary support, incentives and policy framework, communities and Land-owners can be the stewards of wildlife conservation working together with Count and National Government to protect and benefit from a healthy […]

KWCA Organizational Profile

The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is a national membership organization that serves the interests and represents the collective desires of Kenyan communities and private landowners living with wildlife. We believe that with the right laws, incentives, support, information and experience, conservancies have the potential to transform local livelihoods and conservation eforts for Kenya. Our […]

KWCA Strategic Plan 2015-2018

Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) was formed in 2013 in order to provide a national, landholder-driven organization to coordinate, represent, support, and champion the growing assortment of conservancies and to strengthen their role in conservation and economic development.
