Consultancy to Develop a Competency Framework and Succession Plan for KWCA
Background The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is a national landowner led membership organization, established in 2013 to serve the collective interests of over 200 community and private conservancies. KWCA works to create an enabling environment for conservancies to thrive by advocating for the right policies, laws and incentives and supporting them through information sharing, […]
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A GOAT HOUSE SECTION 1: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP No: RFP2025/02.02 RFP Title: Request for Proposal for the construction of a goat house. Introduction: Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) invites Request for Proposal (RFP) from eligible and qualified contractors for the construction […]
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A GOAT HOUSE SECTION 1: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP No: RFP2025/02.01 Introduction: Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) invites Request for Proposal (RFP) from eligible and qualified contractors for the construction of a goat house in Mbale location, Taita Taveta County. The successful […]
SECTION 1: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP No: RFP2024/12.03 RFP Title: Request for Proposal for the Supply of Galla Goats, Veterinary Services, Associated Equipment, and Capacity Building for Galla Goat Farming Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) invites Request for Proposal (RFP) from eligible and qualified service providers for the supply of 30 pure Galla goats, associated veterinary services and […]
SECTION 1: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP No: RFP2024/12.02 RFP Title: Request for Proposal for the Supply of Dairy Goats, Veterinary Services, Associated Equipment, and Capacity Building for Dairy Goat Farming Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) invites Request for Proposal (RFP) from eligible and qualified service providers for the supply of 40 high-quality dairy goats, associated veterinary services […]
SECTION 1: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP No: RFP2024/12.01 RFP Title: Request for Proposal for the Supply of Beehives, Associated Equipment, Apiary Construction, and Capacity Building for Honey Enterprise Management Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) invites Request for Proposal (RFP) from eligible and qualified service providers for the supply of 500 beehives, associated equipment, construction of […]
End of Project Evaluation: Advancing Equitable Gender, Social and Power Norms in Community Conservancies in Kenya
Introduction In Kenya, climate change threatens the environment and communities in and around conservancies, with drought, resource use conflicts, degradation, and extreme weather patterns disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable – especially women. Social and cultural norms around the roles of women and girls in these communities exacerbate gender-based violence, which increases their vulnerability to the […]
Consultancy opportunity: Development of Pwani Ecosystem Conservancies Foundation (PECFO) Strategic Plan 2024-2028
Terms of Reference June 2024 Background The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is a national landowner-led membership organisation, established in 2013 to serve the collective interests of community and private conservancies in Kenya. KWCA recognises that conservancies represent a strong mechanism to promote wildlife stewardship and custodianship by local communities and landowners that share […]
End Term Evaluation for Kenya Conservation Policy Local Works Project
TERMS OF REFERENCE About KWCA Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA), established in 2013, is the national membership representative for conservancies in Kenya. Our role is to support and catalyse the growth of the conservancy movement through advocating for enabling policies and incentives, equipping members with information and tools that build their capacity, convening platforms […]
Consultancy Opportunity: Development and Delivery of Nature Based Entreprises Training for Conservancies in Baringo Landscape
DEVELOPMENT AND DELIVERY OF NATURE-BASED ENTERPRISES TRAINING FOR CONSERVANCIES IN BARINGO LANDSCAPE TERMS OF REFERENCE Background The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is a national landowner led membership organization, established in 2013 to serve the interests and collective voice of over 190 community and private conservancies. KWCA works to create an enabling environment […]
Consultancy Opportunity: Development of KWCA Carbon Credits Projects Engagement Strategy
INTRODUCTION The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is a national landowner-led membership organization, established in 2013 to serve the collective interests of over 200 community and private conservancies in Kenya. KWCA works to create an enabling environment for conservancies to thrive by advocating for enabling policies and incentives and supporting them through information sharing, and […]
Introduction Access to land and natural resources is essential for the survival and prosperity of communities and indigenous people under the community land regime. Community lands in Kenya account for about 70% of Kenya’s landmass, mainly occurring in the rangelands and arid and semi-arids areas. The optimal productivity of the communally owned lands in Kenya, […]
Policy Update: Call for Memoranda on the Natural Resources (Benefit Sharing) Bill No. 6 of 2022
The Natural Resources (Benefit Sharing) Bill 2022 sponsored by Senator Danson Mungatana seeks to provide a legislative framework for the establishment and enforcement of a system of benefit sharing in natural resources exploitation between natural resource exploiters, the National Government, County Governments and local communities and provide that the commission for revenue allocation oversees the […]
KWCA Position on the Climate Change (Amendment) Bill 2023
Following a call for memoranda on the Climate Change (Amendment)Bill 2023, to the Environment, Forestry and Mining Committee, KWCA submitted a collective memoranda on behalf of its 184 conservancies following feedback ad comments from the members. The Climate Change (Amendment) Bill 2023 sponsored by Hon. Kimani Ichung’wa seeks to amend the Climate Change Act, […]
Consultancy to Provide Training on Facilitation Participatory Approaches
Background Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is the national representative body and voice for conservancies in Kenya. As an umbrella body, KWCA role is to catalyse the conservancy movement by connecting, informing, convening and representing private and community landowners and other key stakeholders in a shared effort to make wildlife conservancies thrive in Kenya. […]
International Biodiversity Day: From Agreement to Action, Building Back Biodiversity
The United Nations Sanctioned May 22, as the International Day for the promotion of Biodiversity Secretariat termed as International Biodiversity Day. It is commemorated annually to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues globally. Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) are required to participate in the annual celebrations by organising or hosting […]
KWCA wins RISE Challenge award for a second time to upscale its gender work in conservancies
KWCA is among five USAID grantees to win the competitive Resilience, Inclusive and Sustainable Environments (RISE) 2022 challenge award for a second time. The announcement was made today April 18, during a pre-Earth day event held in Washington DC hosted by IUCN and USAID to commemorate International Earth Day 2023. In this second RISE […]
Consultancy Opportunity to Carry out a Gender and Power Analysis for Amboseli Landscape and a Rapid Safety Assessment in Kasigau Conservancy
Background Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is the national representative body and voice for conservancies in Kenya. As an umbrella body, KWCA role is to catalyse the conservancy movement by connecting, informing, convening and representing private and community landowners and other key stakeholders in a shared effort to make wildlife conservancies thrive in Kenya. KWCA […]
Consultancy Opportunity: Editing, Proofreading and Design of the National State of Conservancies Report 2022
Introduction Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is the national representative body and voice for conservancies in Kenya. Our role is to help catalyse the conservancy movement by connecting, informing, convening and representing conservancies and other key stakeholders in a shared effort to make wildlife conservancies thrive in Kenya. KWCA collects and distribute information about […]
Consultancy Opportunity: Project Audit
Terms of Reference Introduction Kenyan Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is the national membership representative body and the voice of over 175 community and private conservancies in Kenya. Our role is to support and catalyse the conservancy movement through advocating for policies that support conservancies at national and county levels, empower members through access to information […]
A new Global Biodiversity Framework adopted at CBD CoP15
A new Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) was adopted on 19th December 2022 at the 15th meeting of the Conference of Parties (CoP 15) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Montreal Canada. The new GBF termed as the “last chance’ to halt and reverse the destruction of the natural world by 30% by […]
TOR for Development of a Business Plan
Background Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Foundation (KWCF) is incorporated as a COMPANY LIMITED BY GUARANTEE Reg. No. CPR/2013/104087 on 31st May 2013. KWCF was founded as a subsidiary of the Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) KWCF’s main goal is to increase the flow of tangible benefits to conservancies by ensuring KWCA is financially sustainable and […]
KWCA at CITES Cop 19
KWCA is part of Kenya’s government delegation attending the Convention on International Trade on Endangered Species (CITES) Conference of Parties (CoP19) in Panama City in Central America between 14-25th November 2022. Kenya is a signatory State to CITES, ratified in December 1978. Article 2(6) of the Kenyan Constitution defines CITES implementation. Kenya regulates the […]
RE-Advertisement: Consultancy to Develop an Indirect Cost Rate Policy
Background The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is a national landowner led membership organisation, established in 2013 to serve the collective interests of over 160 community and private conservancies. KWCA works to create an enabling environment for conservancies to thrive by advocating for the right policies, laws and incentives and supporting them through information sharing, […]
Consultancy Opportunity: Development of a Fundraising Pitch Deck
Background The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is a national landowner led membership organisation, established in 2013 to serve the collective interests of community and private conservancies in Kenya. The national mandate and the challenges faced by the conservancy network requires a robust and well funded KWCA. KWCA strategic plan outlines an ambitious journey […]
KWCA Scoops Best Conservation Supporter Award
Reported First by the Standard Newspaper Kenya has scooped three trophies at the just-concluded African Conservation Awards ceremony held in Kasane, Botswana, to recognise the country’s effort in safeguarding natural heritage through empowering rangers in conservancies. The African Conservation Award ceremony coincided with the second Ranger’s Congress in Africa on September 17 in […]
Consultancy Opportunity to Update KWCA ARCGIS Platform
BACKGROUND Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is the national representative body and voice for the community and private wildlife conservancies in Kenya. As an umbrella body, KWCA’s role is to help catalyse the conservancy movement by connecting, informing, convening, and representing private and community landowners and other key stakeholders in a shared effort to make […]
We are Hiring: GIS-Data Officer
JOB ADVERT-GIS-Data Officer Background Kenyan Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is the national membership representative body for wildlife conservancies in Kenya. Our mission is to catalyse the conservancy movement by connecting, informing, convening and representing conservancies and other key stakeholders in a shared effort to make wildlife conservancies thrive in Kenya. KWCA seeks to recruit […]
Consultancy Opportunity: Development of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Strategy and Action Plan
TERMS OF REFERENCE BACKGROUND Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA), established in 2013, is the national membership representative for community and private conservancies in Kenya. Our role is to support and catalyse growth of the conservancy movement through advocating for enabling policies and incentives, equip members with information and tools that build their capacity, […]
Consultancy Opportunity: KWCA Board Induction Training
Consultancy for KWCA Board Induction Training Background The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is a national landowner led membership organisation, established in 2013 to serve the collective interests of over 174 community and private conservancies. KWCA works to create an enabling environment for conservancies to thrive by advocating for the right policies, laws and […]