Consultancy Opportunity: End of Project Evaluation
END-OF-PROJECT EVALUATION PROJECT NAME: Advancing Equitable Gender, Social And power norms in community conservancies in kenya Introduction Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is the national representative body and voice for community and private wildlife conservancies in Kenya. As an umbrella body, KWCA’s role is to help catalyse the conservancy movement by connecting, informing, convening […]
Consultancy to Review KWCA Communication Strategy
Background The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is a national landowner-led membership organisation established in 2013 to serve the collective interests of over 170 community and private conservancies. KWCA works to create an enabling environment for conservancies to thrive by advocating for the right policies, laws and incentives and supporting them through information sharing […]
Consultancy to Provide Tax Exemption Support Services
Background The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is the national membership representative body and the voice of over 170 community and private conservancies in Kenya. Our role is to support and catalyse the conservancy movement through advocating for policies that support conservancies at national and county levels, empower members through access to information and tools, […]
Consultancy to Review and Update KWCA Organisational Policies
Background The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is a national landowner led membership organisation, established in 2013 to serve the collective interests of over 200 community and private conservancies. KWCA works to create an enabling environment for conservancies to thrive by advocating for the right policies, laws and incentives and supporting them through information […]
Consultancy to Develop KWCA Youth Engagement Strategy
Background Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is the national representative body and voice for community and private wildlife conservancies in Kenya. As an umbrella body, KWCA’s role is to help catalyse the conservancy movement by connecting, informing, convening and representing private and community landowners and other key stakeholders in a shared effort to make […]
Consultancy to Edit & Proofread Conservancy Human Rights Handbook
Background The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is a national landowner-led membership organisation, established in 2013 to serve the interests and collective voice of over 160 community and private conservancies. KWCA works to create an enabling environment for conservancies to thrive by advocating for the right policies, laws, and incentives and supporting them through information […]
Development of a Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategy & Action Plan
INTRODUCTION The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is a national landowner-led membership organisation, established in 2013 to serve the collective interests of over 160 community and private conservancies. KWCA works to create an enabling environment for conservancies to thrive by advocating for the right policies, laws, and incentives and supporting them through information sharing, and […]
Consultancy to Develop a Strategic Plan for the Association of Wildlife Conservancies Rangers in Kenya (AWRCK)
TERMS OF REFERENCE BACKGROUND The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is a national landowner-led membership organisation established in 2013 to serve the interests and collective voice of over 160 community and private conservancies. KWCA works to create an enabling environment for conservancies to thrive by advocating for the right policies, laws and incentives and […]
Short-Term Consultancy to Coordinate Activities of the Association of Wildlife Conservancies Rangers in Kenya (AWCRK)
TERMS OF REFERENCE BACKGROUND The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is a national landowner-led membership organisation established in 2013 to serve the interests and collective voice of over 160 community and private conservancies. KWCA works to create an enabling environment for conservancies to thrive by advocating for the right policies, laws and incentives […]
Development of Conservancies Tourism Marketing Strategy
Background Travel and Tourism industry is a fundamental pillar for the world economy. The sector accounted for over 10 % of global GDP and created employment opportunities for some 319 million people as of 2018 with the figure expected to rise to 421 million people by 2029. Regionally, the sector accounted for 7.1 % of […]
Development of Resource Mobilisation Strategy
Background The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is a national landowner led membership organisation, established in 2013 to serve the collective interests of over 160 community and private conservancies. KWCA works to create an enabling environment for conservancies to thrive by advocating for the right policies, laws and incentives and supporting them through information sharing, […]
Consultancy to Undertake Job Grading and Salary Scale Re-structure
Background The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is a national landowner led membership organisation, established in 2013 to serve the collective interests of over 160 community and private conservancies. KWCA works to create an enabling environment for conservancies to thrive by advocating for the right policies, laws and incentives and supporting them through information sharing, […]
Consultancy Opportunity: Implementation of Microsoft Dynamics Nav
KWCA is looking to acquire services from a firm to support process of implementation of a Microsoft Dynamics Nav. The objective of this assignment is to install and support implementation of the Microsoft Dynamics Nav system that will provide financial management solution for KWCA. Details on the scope of work is available on this link […]
Radio Interview: Promoting Gender Equity and Preventing Gender Violence In Conservancies
In the radio interview below, SIFA FM’s radio presenter Linda Akoth discusses with KWCA Gender Officer Joyce Peshu how gender-based violence manifests in wildlife conservancies and the role KWCA is playing in promoting gender equity and preventing gender-based violence in Kenya’s conservancies.
Championing Conservancies to take the lead in ending Gender-Based Violence
Championing Conservancies to take the lead in ending Gender-Based Violence Achieving gender equality and ending gender-based violence is a goal many organisations strive for across Kenya. There have been countless programs in the education, health, business and government sectors to promote gender equality as a critical tool towards attaining Sustainable Development. In the […]
Consultancy Opportunity: End of Project Evaluation
INTRODUCTION All GEF SGP financed projects are required to undergo an end-of-project evaluation upon completion of implementation. Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) a national umbrella body for community and private conservancies in Kenya, and Baringo County Conservancies Association (BCCA) the umbrella body for conservancies in Baringo county are jointly seeking to engage a consultant to […]
Consultancy Opportunity: Recruitment Services
Background The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is a national landowner led membership organisation, established in 2013 to serve the collective interests of over 160 community and private conservancies. KWCA works to create an enabling environment for conservancies to thrive by advocating for the right policies, laws and incentives and supporting them through information sharing, […]
Consultancy Opportunity: Awareness Creation on Climate Change and Adoption of Tsavo and Amboseli Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies and Action Plans
Introduction Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) has partnered with WWF-Kenya to implement a project on “Protection of key ecosystems, increased resilience and adaptation for their sustainable use by local communities”. The project beneficiaries are select community conservancies within the Kenya’s southern rangelands of Tsavo, Amboseli and Maasai Mara landscapes. KWCA, being the national umbrella […]
The Role of Conservancies in Curbing Desertification and Drought
By Dickson Kaelo CEO, Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association June 17th is the World Day to combat desertification and drought. It was declared in December 1994, by the United Nations General Assembly, to give an opportunity to highlight the urgent need to curb the spread of deserts and ravaging droughts, both serious environmental threats in […]
Consultancy Opportunity: Development of a Practical guide to integrate gender in conservancies
TERMS OF REFERENCE DEVELOPMENT OF A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO INTEGRATE GENDER IN CONSERVANCIES Introduction Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is the national representative body and voice for community and private wildlife conservancies in Kenya. As an umbrella body, KWCA role is to help catalyse the conservancy movement by connecting, informing, convening […]
Consultancy Opportunity: Development of Amboseli Ecosystem Trust Fundraising Strategy
Background Amboseli Ecosystem Trust (AET) brings together the communities and organisations of Amboseli to develop land use practices that improve the livelihoods and wellbeing through the coexistence of people and wildlife. This is in an effort to keep the Amboseli Ecosystem rangelands open, diverse and healthy for the benefit of people and wildlife. AET intends […]
‘The future of conservation lies in community conservancies’
Kenya’s community conservation has grown over the past two decades with remarkable success thanks to the role of local communities in conservation and the support by Kenya government through the Kenya Wildlife Service In its February-March issue, Msafiri magazine dedicated a special feature on community conservation with interviews from Director General Kenya Wildlife Service Brig. […]
KWCA and Kenya Tourism Board enter into a partnership agreement to promote Tourism in Conservancies.
KWCA and the Kenya Tourism Board (KTB) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to collaborate in marketing and supporting wildlife conservancies as part of the tourism product diversification strategy in re-engineering safari experiences. The MOU signed on 3rd December 2020 provides a structure in which the two organisations will promote Kenya’s wildlife conservancies as […]
OPED: Invest more in complementary conservation
This opinion article co-authored by Dickson Kaelo CEO KWCA and Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT) CEO Tom Lalampaa was first published by the Daily Nation on June 5th 2020. Here’s a quiz for World Environment Day today: Where in Kenya do most people earn their daily bread from tourism while still living in their home […]
Conservation Stewardship: Communities Securing Biodiversity in Lake Bogoria Landscape
The conservancy model approach is not only securing biodiversity in Baringo County, but its also improving community’s governance structures and enhancing livelihoods Adjacent the World’s largest congregations of lesser flamingos on Lake Bogoria National Reserve, Baringo County, in Kapkuikui location, lies Irong community conservancy, a communally owned conservancy inhabited by the indigenous Endorois […]
Commentary: From crisis to solutions for communities and African conservation
This commentary was first published by Mongabay on 20th May 2020. It is co-authored by Dickson Kaelo-CEO of the Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association, Daniel Sopia- CEO of the Maasai Mara Wildlife Conservancies Association, Damian Bell -Executive Director of Honeyguide, based in Tanzania, Richard Diggle-Business and CBNRM Specialist with WWF in Namibia and Fred Nelson -CEO […]
Intersection between wildlife conservation and COVID-19:
As the world grapples with unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot has been written by conservationists and journalists on the linkage between wildlife conservation and the Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) Want to learn more? Here’s a roundup on the intersection of wildlife conservation and COVID-19: COVID-19: Let us put emphasis on risk […]
TERMS OF REFERENCE 1. Introduction The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is a national landowner led membership organisation, established in 2013 to serve the interests and collective voice of over 160 community and private conservancies. KWCA works to create an enabling environment for conservancies to thrive by advocating for the right policies, laws and […]
KWCA recognised as a best practise in community engagement
We are excited to be recognised by African People & Wildlife and National Geographic Society as a best practice in community engagement in their new publication Community, Conservation and Collaboration: A framework for Success. The groundbreaking publication provides lessons, strategies, and best practices from the vast network of conservation and development organisations working closely with communities to address both natural resource management and community […]
Association of Wildlife Conservancy Rangers in Kenya Joins the International Ranger Federation (IRF)
Great news for Kenya conservancy rangers. The Association of Wildlife Conservancy Rangers in Kenya is officially a regular member of International Ranger Federation (IRF) KWCA an associate member of IRF, together with representatives of over 3,000 conservancy rangers, initiated the registration process of the association in 2017. The association which is the central voice for community and private […]