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Kenya’s conservancy network response to COVID-19

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic is causing unprecedented health and economic challenges globally. In Kenya, the wildlife conservation sector is already experiencing a complete standstill of the tourism industry. The ability for community led conservation that is built around the global tourism industry is under threat. We are actively monitoring the situation and have […]

#WildAboutLife campaign enhances youth knowledge on conservancies

KWCA in collaboration with Uvumbuzi Africa and the Kenya Wildlife Trust (KWT), partnered with Light Art Club on a social media campaign dubbed #WildAboutLife to enhance knowledge on wildlife conservation in national parks and conservancies and promote domestic tourism among the youth.   The campaign was launched on 3rd March to commemorate World Wildlife Day […]

KWCA recognised as a best practise in community engagement

We are excited to be recognised by African People & Wildlife and National Geographic Society as a best practice in community engagement in their new publication Community, Conservation and Collaboration: A framework for Success. The groundbreaking publication provides lessons, strategies, and best practices from the vast network of conservation and development organisations working closely with communities to address both natural resource management and community […]

Association of Wildlife Conservancy Rangers in Kenya Joins the International Ranger Federation (IRF)

Great news for Kenya conservancy rangers. The Association of Wildlife Conservancy Rangers in Kenya is officially a regular member of International Ranger Federation (IRF) KWCA an associate member of IRF, together with representatives of over 3,000 conservancy rangers, initiated the registration process of the association in 2017. The association which is the central voice for community and private […]

CITES recognises communities as active stakeholders in wildlife conservation

KWCA’s role as an official observer representing communities at the CITES CoP 18 conference, had its status elevated by the Kenyan government to make proposals on the importance of consultation and engagement of communities in CITES processes. Among KWCA’s interventions which were recognised and adapted include; development of a CITES framework that mandates governments to […]

Policy Update: New Amendments Wildlife act 2013

Following KWCA’s petition on  The Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2018, (Wildlife Act 2018 Section) submitted  on 11th May 2018, to the National Assembly through the chairperson of the Environment and Natural Resources Departmental Committee, several amendments were made including establishment of  the Wildlife Conservation Trust Fund, which will be a public-private fund to support conservation in both […]

Job Opportunity- National CBNRM Coordinator

Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) is a major strategy for enhancing conservation outcomes while also seeking to improve livelihoods. Communities are at the centre of natural resources management and governance. CBNRM encompasses natural resources. Natural resources—the resources people depend upon for their livelihoods—generally mean renewable natural resources, including water, forests, fisheries, rangeland, and wildlife. CBNRM […]

For conservancies to succeed, women inclusion in decision making and sharing of benefits should be given priority.

In many areas of sustainable development including land and natural resources governance, it is becoming increasingly well known that gender equality and equity is key to conservation effectiveness and sustainability. The Convention on Biological Diversity recognises the vital role women play in the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. It also affirms the need […]

Recent Amendments to the Wildlife Act 2013: Institutional Changes and Penalties

The Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act No. 18 of 2018, passed on 31st December 2018 and effective 4th January 2019 substantially amends the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act 2013, focusing on; Institutional structures & functions changes; New offences and penalties on wildlife crimes Institutional Changes 1. Kenya Wildlife Service Sec 6 (1)– now identified as […]

KWCA Position on Natural Resources (Benefit Sharing Bill), 2018

  KWCA this morning submitted the  Natural Resources (Benefit Sharing) Bill, 2018  memorandum to members of the Senate Standing Committee on Land, Environment and Natural Resources on 27th February 2019. KWCA submitted the memorandum on behalf of its 160 community and private wildlife conservancies covering an area of 6.5million hectares (11% of Kenya’s Landmass) and collectively representing […]

Thank you for your partnership in 2018

Dear Partners and Friends,  As we wrap up 2018, one word seems to best describe the year; Partnerships. The long term success of wildlife conservancies in Kenya is dependent on partnerships and collaboration, this was a conclusion of our June Partnership Dialogue Forum we co-hosted with our partners. We met with only one agenda, to identify […]

Community Representatives Call on London Conference to Guarantee Equal Role in Tackling Illegal Wildlife Crime

Press Release 11 October 2018 Representatives from communities affected by the illegal wildlife trade are calling on governments meeting in London today to recognise local communities as equal partners in conserving wildlife, strengthen their rights to land and increase benefits from wildlife, and give local knowledge equal status in tackling the illegal wildlife trade. The […]

Strengthening Partnerships in African Conservation: Kenya’s Wildlife Conservancies Movement

Wildlife Conservation efforts in Kenya is at a critical stage. Four decades of extreme wildlife declines may progressively come to an end if the current wildlife conservation effort in community and private lands were to succeed in the longer term. Already we are seeing some good results: More than 6 million hectares of land is […]

Conservancy Leaders Briefing Paper to the Senate on Financial Support to Wildlife Conservancies

Briefing Paper Senate Standing Committee on Land, Environment and Natural Resources Submitted by Petitioners Representing Wildlife Conservancies in Kenya and Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association Date: 8th August 2018 Venue: Main Parliament Building, Committee Room 10 Introduction This briefing paper is intended to appraise the Senate Committee on Land, Environment and Natural Resources on matters raised […]

KWCA CEO Shortlisted for the Prestigious Tusk Conservation 2018 Awards

KWCA CEO Dickson Kaelo, has been shortlisted among the finalists for the 2018 Tusk Award Conservation in Africa for his work in promoting community conservation and for his passion and dedication working with communities and landowners to conserve and benefit from wildlife conservation.   Through a press release, Tusk CEO Charlie Mayhew, in announcing the […]

Community Conservancy Ranger Receive African Paradise Rangers Award

Josphat Kasaine ole Kosikir 63, is among 18 Kenyan rangers and 50 from Africa to be awarded the 2018 African Paradise Rangers Award by the Alibaba Foundation and Paradise International Foundation. The rangers were awarded a $ 3,000 grant each for support in their exemplary efforts in protecting Kenya’s natural heritage.   “It was unimaginable […]

Remarks by KWCA CEO Dickson Kaelo on World Ranger Day Celebrations

World Ranger Day Celebration Remarks by CEO, Kenya wildlife Conservancies Association, Dickson Kaelo Made on July 31st 2018, KWS HQ Today,  is world rangers day, a global event to celebrate and commemorate the work of Rangers working in our forests, parks, reserves and other conservation areas across the country. I join the International Rangers Federation […]

E-Newsletter: Celebrating World Ranger Day 31st July 2018

The natural world is under immense pressure right around the globe. Species loss, habitat destruction, climate change and environmental crime are urgent issues that directly concern us all and deserve our attention. Today, on World Rangers Day, we recognize the increasingly risky and difficult job rangers do each and every day in service of nature and conservation. Rangers around the […]

World Rangers Day: Celebrating Lumo Community Wildlife Conservancy Female Ranger, Ludovika Malemba,

Forty-year-old, mother of four, Ludovika Malemba, a female community ranger from Lumo Community Conservancy emerges top in academics at the KWS law enforcement academy Among 60 community rangers completing the Community Rangers training course at the KWS Law Enforcement Academy (KWS LEA) only 2 are female. Ludovika Malemba stands out, she was awarded best in […]

Kenya’s New Vision on Tourism and Wildlife Conservation Unveiled

Kenya’s Tourism Blueprint 2030 and National Wildlife Strategy 2030 was launched on Tuesday by the Deputy President H.E William Ruto at a colourful ceremony held at the Kenya International Conference centre. The two strategies are aligned to Kenya’s Vision 2030 and the Government’s Big Four Agenda. Tourism and wildlife are closely connected and interlinked. The […]

First community conservancy rangers to benefit from new KWS revised curriculum graduate

60 community conservancy rangers among them two women,  are the first trainees to benefit from the newly revised community conservancy rangers curriculum at the Kenya Wildlife Service Law Enforcement Academy (KWS LEA) in Manyani, Taita Taveta County. The rangers were drawn from Olgulului Olarashi group ranch, Eselenkei, Naboisho, Mara North, Lumo and Kamungi conservancies. The […]

Proposed Miscellaneous Wildlife Amendments May Weaken Community Conservation Efforts

KWCA has submitted a petition on the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2018, (Wildlife Act 2018 Section) to the National Assembly through the chairperson of the Environment and Natural Resources Departmental Committee. The petition aims to safeguard the inclusion of local communities in the governance of wildlife in Kenya, which will weaken communities involvement in […]

Petition Seeking VAT and Stamp Duty Exemption for Wildlife Conservancies

Following the call for submission of memoranda in the matter of consideration by the National Assembly of the Bill mentioned in the Tax Laws (Amendment)  Bill, National Assembly Bill No.11 of 2018  published in the Daily Nation Newspaper dated 23rd April 2018; The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) on behalf of wildlife conservancies in Kenya […]

Kenya Considers Sustainable Wildlife Utilization Options

The Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife established a task-force   on Wildlife Utilization (Sustainable Wildlife Utilization) to deliberate on sustainable wildlife mechanisms for wildlife utilization as provided under section 72 of the Wildlife conservation and management Act 2013.   Through the Gazette Notice No.3128, Vol CXX No. 41 dated 29th March 2018, KWCA policy […]

PS State Department of Wildlife establishes a Committee to Implement recommendations of the Wildlife Corridors and Dispersal Areas Report

KWCA CEO Mr. Dickson Kaelo has been appointed by the PS State Department of Wildlife Dr. Margaret Mwakima to represent conservancies in a committee to spearhead the implementation of the National Wildlife Migratory Corridors and Dispersal Areas Report. The report launched on 26th July 2017,  recommends the engagement of local communities, private landowners, national and […]

Cabinet Secretary Wildlife and Tourism Endorses Conservancies and Pledges Support

“Every acre of land added to conservation through conservancies is a win for wildlife and tourism. Conservancies should be seen as complimentary to KWS parks as it is the right way to create space for Wildlife and should never be seen to be in competition.” CS Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife, Hon. Najib Balala   […]

KWCA Represents Communities at the CITES Rural Communities Working Group

On 26th February, parties, rural communities and conservation organizations drawn from 21 countries met at the UN Complex Nairobi to deliberate on a set of options to increase participation of rural communities in CITES decision making. The CITES rural communities working group was set up during the Conference of Parties (CoP)17 held in South Africa […]
